In the first part of the explanation of website terminology, we have summarized the difficult and confusing terms such as search engine optimization (SEO) and web system building elements (web server, operating application, database server) that are the basis of websites. If you have experience in building a blog or website, you probably pay a lot of attention to search engine optimization. I hope you enjoy reading this article, which focuses on website terminology and how to apply SEO as efficiently as possible.


📌 Website terminology1 – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

One of the most used website terms is “search engine optimization” (SEO). SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.
It refers to the technical methods of getting your website to appear higher on the search results page when someone searches on a search engine like Google or Yahoo.

⚠️ Search Engine Optimization_How to get to the top of searches with SEO

  • Focus on keywords with an average monthly search volume of 100 or more, or in the meta description of the title.
  • When including tables, it’s best way to use the table tags provided by your site rather than embedding them as images. By this process, search robots will understand them better.
  • If your post is longer, consider using bullet points or numbers to make it more readable.
  • The more internal links you include to increase the time spent on your site, the more it will be recognized as a quality blog.

    e.g. Click here to create a blog using WordPress (X)
    Blogging with WordPress is trending (O)

  • Search engine robots perceive images as a blank slate, so for optimization, it’s a good way including “image alt text” (a phrase that describes the inserted image in detail) and create a filename with your target keywords.
    In the two images below, the image on the right with the “image alt text” is more likely to be picked up by search robots.


📌 Website terminology2 – The “building blocks of a web system” that you need when creating a website

There are some website terms that are essential to building a web system. These are the web server, which is responsible for networking your website to reach the internet; the operating application, which is the language that is essential to run your website; and the database server, which stores everything you type.

  • Web server
    • A web server is a program that handles the network communication that makes your website visible online.
    • Type: Apache
  • Operaing applications
    • The production application is the program that contains everything that makes up a website: its web pages, logical structure, and behavior.
    • It is created in a web programming language, such as PHP, JavaScript, or C#, and delivers changing content to the web server in real time.
  • Database server
    • The database server is where all the data entered by the website operator is stored.
    • It’s a good idea to back up the contents of your database server frequently, just in case.
    • Types: MySQL, Oracle