In Creating a WordPress Blog ①, We summarized the differences between free and subscription version and the features of each service. When we were preparing to move Tistory’s blog to WordPress, we consulted the books and other bloggers’ tips and tricks. However, the process was not easy😂 we don’t want others to go through the same trial and error as us, so we reviewed the entire process of creating a WordPress blog.


What is WordPress? 🔨It’s a kind of tool to create a website!

Wordpress 20th anniversary

WordPress 20th anniversary

Now in its 20th year, 🌐 WordPress is an open source software that powers more than 43% of the world’s websites since 2003. It’s one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), allowing users to create general websites, stores, blogs, and more for any purpose. To summarize, WordPress can be understood as “a kind of tool that makes it easy to create a website“.


🖍️Get ready to use WorPress ; domain, hosting, security certificate SSL

We mentioned earlier that WordPress is a tool for creating websites, and there are three things you need to get up and running: a domain, hosting, and a secure SSL certificate. The reason we’ve mentioned this before reviewing the process of making a blog with WordPress is because it requires a significant investment of time and money.


  • A unique name for your website
  • Domain is “the way you represent the location of your house on a map with a specific address.
  • e.g. At the address, toolduckk is the domain.

 ✨ How to create a domain

  • Search for the domain you want and see if it’s available
    ⚠️ Most of good domains are already taken by someone else.
  • Make sure to compare the prices of domain between domain providers.


  • A network server that connects a website to the Internet.
    Without hosting, your house won’t show up on the map.
  • Hosting companies often offer domains as a part of their packages.
  •’s paid services include SSL and a domain for free, but the domain is fixed at, so we’ll recommand you to buy your own domain.

Hosting security certificate (SSL)

  • Internet Protocol protocol for transmitting data securely over the Internet.
  • So SSL is a security device that makes hosting services secure.
  • When purchasing a hosting service, make sure it comes with SSL.
  • If you don’t have an SSL certificate, you’re an easy target for hackers. Also, there’re so many obstacles to use WordPress easily.


The difference between WordPress Free and Subscriptions

WordPress offers two main ways to create a website: free ( and subscription ( As you can see from the table below, both options require a consistent investment of time and money to monetize your blog. However, if you’re creating a website for promotional purposes or small transactions rather than a blog, free is definitely the way to go.

Type Free )
Subscription )
Setup cost X O
Additional cost O
(additional costs for domain, hosting, SSL, etc.)
(Paid service provides hosting, domain, SSL, etc.)
Features  free to write own code, install plugins, themes, etc. without any restrictions provide hosting, not be exposed to security threats
 Convenience Lower
(the level of creating something out of nothing)
(a good paid service will cost you at least $8 per month)
(Google Adsense etc.)
(not providing plugins below the Business service) 


Why we chose WordPress Free ver.(

We chose the general type because of monetizarion at first. From the point of view of studying development languages to decorate and implement a blog, we think that it is better than the subscription type. In the next part, we will review the plugins and code writing that we experienced while using WordPress to blog.


🔗 Learn more

🌐Website terminology① Search engine optimization, web system – Tool Duck (